Now, as summer arrives in the Northern Hemisphere, recent graduates or students on summer break are looking for employment!Whether you are looking for that first "big break" in the career you prepared for or simply need work so you can pay for tuition and pizza when you return to campus in August, we have some suggestions to help you get noticed. It should be no surprise that we encourage using your eFolio site as a major strategy in your search. |
Assumption 1: Your myeFolio site is ready to share.
(If not, our recent Jumpstart Series would help you through the process.)
Assumption 2: Your site presents a positive reflection of you.
Assumption 3: Your site is work appropriate and aligned to your employment goals.
In our media rich digital lives, it's no longer true that if you build it, they will come. However, if you built it, you should be sharing it. Using eFolio sites for the job search has become commonplace -- you need to do this!
Question to ponder: How do you get people to find or look at your eFolio site?
Answer that relates to myeFolio: Use hyperlinks, image links, QR codes or simple "show & tell" anywhere you can to point viewers to your site.
Where should you focus your energy in promoting your site?
Your eFolio site is like a multimedia billboard about sure it gets noticed. If you are the best candidate for the position, your eFolio should be useful in promoting that to employers.
To share experiences you've discovered in using myeFolio in your job search process, use the "Comments" link below! Positive or not, we want to hear from you.